Tuesday, May 10, 2011

these shoes are made for walking...

These are Luke's new "big" boy shoes :)  Now that he is a walking machine, my mom, Lindsey and I took him to stride-rite to get fitted!  He measured a 3 1/2 therefore we got a size 4.  The salesman thinks he should be good in this size for about 3 months!  The salesman said that a lot of babies go back to crawling or act as if the have cement blocks on their feet when you put shoes on them to walk...well that is exactly what Luke did!  As soon as we put them on he did not want to stand up and just wanted to crawl.  Supposedly this lasts for a few days...we were told to just keep putting them on for a bit each day...it didn't take but a day and he did start taking some steps with them on!  He still seems to like to walk more with them off, but he is definitely getting the hang of it :) 

In other news, I have to say that I had a wonderful 1st mother's day! I am so incredibly lucky to be the Luke man's mom!  It is unexplainable how much I love that little guy!  He is the sweetest!  It was an all around great day! 
We had both fam's to our house for brunch!  It was so nice to have everyone all together to celebrate! 

We decided to take Luke to the park mother's day evening :)  It is crazy how stone faced Luke can be sometimes...lol.  He is such a happy baby, but definitely takes things in and can get a super serious look on his face!  I think that he had a pretty good time, but it was kinda hard to tell! 

 just chillin!

 there's a little smile :)

 of course he had to try the mulch! yummy

Luke may not of had much expression at the park, but yesterday Lindsey came over and let him play in her car...well lets just say he thought it was AWESOME!  He was just cracked up and thought he was HOT STUFF!

 cracking up!

 ya, whats up ladies?

 put your hands up! ;)

 peek-a-boo with auntie linds :)

 10 and 2...haha

this was the reason Lindsey stopped by...she brought this wonderful edible arrangement and a gift certificate for a pedicure for me for mother's day!

1 comment:

  1. I love his new shoes! I'm sure it won't take him long to get up and go again!!!
    Thank you so much for my Mother's Day text!!! I think I wrote you back. If I didn't, I meant to! We had a crazy day! :D
    Let's get together soon! :D
