Monday, December 13, 2010

growing away...

So its been awhile again since I have updated...there is just not enough hours in the day! (story of everyones life huh?) 

The Luke man is just growing away!  He can officially roll over!  He still struggles with the belly to back roll, but he has totally mastered going from his back to belly!  That boy can move ;)  It definitely makes for some interesting nights...he is still sleeping like a champ for the most part...minus when he keeps getting stuck in the corner of his crib.  He rolls over in certain places and still can't figure out how to get unstuck ;)  I never know where he is going to be in the crib when I go in there! 

He is grabbing for EVERYTHING!  If we are holding something or something is sitting on the table Luke is all over it!  He keeps us hoppin' and he still isn't even mobile!  He is such a happy boy and loves to take in all that goes on around him!  Its all just so new to him...we love it!  

Baylee still steals all the thunder...Luke can still not get enough of that dog!  (all dogs for that matter, but especially bay :)  Baylee can get Luke to smile by just walking by...

Here are some pics from the last few weeks! 

 Luke and Katelyn...

 Katelyn, Grayden, and Luke
 Katelyn in the middle ;)

Here are a few pics from my birthday...I turned the big 28!  My first b-day as a mom...and a lukcy mom I am!
 PEACE out!

 Smilen' man

 Love havin' my great g-ma here to visit!

 eating mommy's wrapping paper

The next 2 are from thanksgiving...auntie Linds let
Luke grab the ice cream cake :)

 helping me decorate...this is serious stuff ;)

 totally loves the jumparoo...

 new game of trying to pull socks off

checking out the tree with my bud baylee :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

4 month appt...

Lukey had his 4 month check-up and shots on Monday (Nov. 8th). 

His stats are:  17 lbs 3 oz :) and 26 1/4 long...he is still in the 90% for height and weight!  We absolutely love our big guy!!!  Of course Adam is loving that Luke is in the 90% for height...but the dr. kind of shut him down by saying he doesn't see him staying in the 90% for good...but hey, you never know! 

Luke did wonderful with his shots! He had the one that they drink and 3 in his thighs...I definitely think the extra rolls worked in his favor!  He got a little irritated with the first one, but never shed a tear!  What a tough guy :)  The shots don't seem to phase him too much throughout the day...most people say that their kiddos come home and sleep a lot...not our Lukey! haha...he just has too much going on...and he doesn't want to miss out!  That brings me to our next subject of talk with the dr...NAPS!  Luke is really not into napping...(again there is just too much going on ;)  I am really trying to let him cry some at nap time because he is much happier when he gets rest, but the dr explained that he may just be a cat we will keep working on it...instead of 2 good naps a day Luke takes several cat naps. 

Our next big adventure was cereal...I have been so excited to give Luke something besides a bottle and its finally here!  We tried out rice cereal a few days before the doctor appt...he seemed to catch right on. (big surprise ;)  After his appt. the doctor said we could mix some baby foods into the far he has tried bananas, green beans, and sweet potatoes!  The bananas were a total hit, he liked the green beans (but he did wake up both nights after the green beans so we are gonna skip those and try again later), and I don't think he was a big fan of the sweet potatoes...

first time eating cereal...

 cute colts guy in his litte warm-up!

Luke is totally into grabbing for EVERYTHING! 
We now have to be careful if he is at the table with us because he will pull and grab at our plates and bowls :) 

eyeing the chips...

grabbing the chips...

licking a chip...haha

trying out the sippy cup...did pretty good :) liked playing with it more than anything...whatever it takes to be entertained!

not so sure about these sweet potatoes
spitting it all out, but I am still happy!

Monday, November 1, 2010

3 months...halloween...4 months...

Its crazy how time flies...

Luke is changing everyday!  Man does he keep us busy :)  He loves to scream...sometimes it is hard to tell if it is a happy or mad scream because they are both the  He has definitely discovered his voice!  He continues to love the tub :)  His little wiggles have turned to bigger splashes that get his mommy wet...could get ugly once he gets a little bigger! 
He is a wild man! I LOVE IT! ;)

Luke had his first cold and ear has been about a 3 week deal so we are glad he is on the mend :)  He had a cold for 2 weeks and then it turned into an ear/sinus infection...bummer!  I love takin' care of that little man though...I will take the extra snuggles anytime ;)

Here are a few pics of Luke over the last month:

we went to Hanover's homecoming...this is at Luke's first tailgate!
all ready to go to watch my dad coach :)
lets go TiGERS!

I love bay! 

my hat is a little big...but I gotta keep warm

mom and me :)

happy man

grrrr :)

big boy in my exersaucer


Our little hotdog :)

me and my cousins :)

pretty little flower...of course baylee had to be in on the fun :)

These are a few of Luke's 3 month pics!  Our little man!

moving right took me a month to add pics from month 3! 

Luke is 4 months old today!!!!! I just can't believe it!  They really do grow up  so fast! ;)  It just keeps getting more fun though...everyday is a new adventure...he has such a little personality!  

in my high chair for the first time...such a big boy :)  I still don't like to smile at the camera very much...haha.