Sunday, February 20, 2011

our busy bee...

Luke continues to be a busy bee...that little guy doesn't miss a beat!  He has totally mastered crawling...he has quite the skills ;)  Now he is into trying to pull himself up on anything he can!  I am officially a jungle gym!  If I am sitting there, then Luke is crawling/climbing/jumping all over me!  He is so proud when he stands up on his is an automatic smile :) 

We have been waiting on the day that we go in to get Luke from his crib and he would be standing there waiting for us.  ITS HERE!!!!  The other night at about 3:45am I heard Luke having a little party in his room (which is unlike him in the middle of the night)  My plan was to just sneak in there and see if I could smell anything and change his diaper if need be, WRONG...there was no sneaking...Luke was standing up holding on to the crib rail lookin' right at me as proud as he could be!  What a little stinker he is...of course I had to run right in and wake adam up to come check out what Luke had now accomplished!!!  So after a quick hello and diaper change it took him about an hour to fall back asleep. (with a few visits from me removing him from his standing position and laying him back on his back and reminding him it was ni-ni time ;)
not a great pic...the room was pitch black when I took this...just wanted a pic of the big boy standing up...obviously Luke was not ready for the flash :)

In other news...I had a "mom of the year" moment on this past friday...I put Luke down on his puzzle mat with his toys and made a quick trip to his room with some laundry (I can see him from his bedroom, I wasn't leaving him unsupervised ;)  I saw him out there playing by his car track and didn't think a thing of it...a matter of literally 2 minutes went by and I go out to find Luke playing in dog poop!!! yes dog poop!  Apparently Baylee decided to take a poop behind Luke's race track that I hadn't seen!  Well Luke didn't have any trouble finding it!!!  I thought I was going to throw up!  Luke definitely got a good bath immediately following this event!  (and once adam got home I totally disinfected/sanitized the whole mat)  It was absolutely disgusting and I am so embarresed to even share this story, but it happened and it is pretty amusing! (super gross, but kinda funny ;) Boys will be boys i guess...and unfortunetly I am sure there will be many other stories like this to come!

 a few new pics of Lukey playing with his new bus from gammy and grandpa...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

go, go, go...

Things just continue to get more fun with Luke :) He is now is so cute!  He just seems so proud while he is doing it!  Here is a little snippet...

He also does a little high-fiving...not that he knows what he is doing really, but if we put our hand up he will usually stop what he is doing and touch our hand...and we get a big smile with it!  We try and do the fist bump, but we aren't quite there...haha.

Below is a picture of Luke in his exesaucer...this is probably the last time that Luke has enjoyed being in the exesaucer...I think this is from last week.  He no longer likes to be put into anything to confine him!  Watch out...haha!  I would of never guessed that at 7 months old he would want to be on the move sooooo much!  I definitely take advantage of the times that I get to before naps and bedtime :)

 watching dad on the treadmill...

Well as you know, Luke is a crawling machine...and his favorite thing to go for is any cord he can get his little hands on!  Especially the cable/and wii box that are in the loft by his play mat...

I realize he doesn't no right from wrong yet...but he has such a cute little face when you say ", no, no"  It can't hurt to try and teach over and over and over!  We usually just redirect him :)  At least I feel like he is learning his name...or at least hears a certain tone of voice and turns to
look at us with a little grin ;)

If he is not crawling/rolling around then he wants to be standing up!  He loves to hold onto the couch/ottoman...he really thinks he is big stuff!  If he gets irritated or upset at something all we have to do is plop him up on his feet and he is happy~

ya...i'm hot stuff ;)

 gotta get baylee...
 my first two-piece jammies :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

7 months

Our little guy is 7 months old as of this past Tuesday!  It was an extra fun day because Adam and I both had snow/ice days!!!  Luke is officially ALL over the place...that little guy can move!  He loves to follow after baylee, find any cord possible and make tons of noise while doing it! ;)  Its no wonder he is so exhausted by 7 o'clock every night...he is getting such a workout!  Here is a little video of him on the move...I think he has gotten faster since this video...haha!

He is still an eating machine...and now he is getting snacks :) mostly to keep him occupied while we try and eat a meal!  His favs are:  baby mum mums (which are teething rice biscuts...yummy huh? they actually aren't bad), gerber apple spirals, gerber cheese puffs, and frozen yo baby peach yogurt in his teething pouch :)  He doesn't get all this everyday...just like to have a variety and I love shopping for new things for him to try!  His faces are priceless when he tries new things!

You will often see Luke hanging out in just his just makes him so does the remote control...he will go through obstacles to get to it!  

 Baylee is loving that Luke is getting finger foods...she is getting a lot of extra surprises given to her...and Luke loves it!

 showing off my teeth

 Luke trying to be with baylee...
 i love sitting at the window...especially when i crawl there myself ;)

 helping mommy clean out my closest and trying on my hat...

 a little football after dinner...of course in just my diaper :)


 and i'm off...

 Luke loves to take apart the puzzle mat...he goes around and takes apart all of the edges and then chews on them...haha


New thing...playing in the basket...


Luke is still lovin' the tub...