Monday, December 13, 2010

growing away...

So its been awhile again since I have updated...there is just not enough hours in the day! (story of everyones life huh?) 

The Luke man is just growing away!  He can officially roll over!  He still struggles with the belly to back roll, but he has totally mastered going from his back to belly!  That boy can move ;)  It definitely makes for some interesting nights...he is still sleeping like a champ for the most part...minus when he keeps getting stuck in the corner of his crib.  He rolls over in certain places and still can't figure out how to get unstuck ;)  I never know where he is going to be in the crib when I go in there! 

He is grabbing for EVERYTHING!  If we are holding something or something is sitting on the table Luke is all over it!  He keeps us hoppin' and he still isn't even mobile!  He is such a happy boy and loves to take in all that goes on around him!  Its all just so new to him...we love it!  

Baylee still steals all the thunder...Luke can still not get enough of that dog!  (all dogs for that matter, but especially bay :)  Baylee can get Luke to smile by just walking by...

Here are some pics from the last few weeks! 

 Luke and Katelyn...

 Katelyn, Grayden, and Luke
 Katelyn in the middle ;)

Here are a few pics from my birthday...I turned the big 28!  My first b-day as a mom...and a lukcy mom I am!
 PEACE out!

 Smilen' man

 Love havin' my great g-ma here to visit!

 eating mommy's wrapping paper

The next 2 are from thanksgiving...auntie Linds let
Luke grab the ice cream cake :)

 helping me decorate...this is serious stuff ;)

 totally loves the jumparoo...

 new game of trying to pull socks off

checking out the tree with my bud baylee :)