Monday, November 7, 2011

october festivities :)

oh the fun things we've done :)  October has brought a trip to the pumpkin patch, zoo boo, and trick or treating :) 

While adam headed to the Notre Dame game,  Auntie Linds and I headed to the pumpkin patch :)  We started the adventure with checking out the animals...which Luke loves :)  He especially loved staring at the chickens and rooster!  

next, we set out on the hayride to the pumpkin patch :)  Luke seemed to enjoy the ride and digging through the diaper bag....

 oh what pumpkin to pick...
 I think this is it mom...

 there were a group of older kids across from us on the way back...he was so into them...hahaha. 
(at least he didn't make it obvious!)
 quick litte tractor ride on our way out...

 We also ventured out to ZOO BOO with the Kenney's :)  It is a lot of fun watching Luke and Katelyn together...they were too cute! 
gotta love them :)

 love this :)
 Hi mom!
 the tigers were out walking around :)
 Luke's fav part of the zoo...the bridge that leads to the rhinos!! 
 there were several stops set up for the kiddos to "trick or treat" along the way...

 dads and babes checkin out the monkeys :)

 our little cow
 ZOO BOO 2011 :)
I caved...Luke had his first twizzler :)  Totally loved it!

And to end the October festivities we headed out to do some trick or treating :)  We had a ball!  It was crazy how fast Luke picked up on what to do!
ready to go!

Here is a video of the first house Luke went to :) 
"like a pro"  :)

 love this :)
so excited!
helping dad pass out candy when we got back :)

It really doesn't get any better than being a mom, especially to the most precious little man ever!
(I know I am a little biased ;)