Thursday, September 23, 2010


I know I have said before how much Luke enjoys the bath :)  Even when he is super upset, if we put him in the tub he stops right away.  He used to just sit there and hang out...but now he is a total wiggler in the tub!  It is so cute! (at least we find it amusing ;)  Here is a little snippet of our little splasher!  (its PG don't worry...we wouldn't want to exploit him on the web...haha) oh, and ignore the fruitcake mom talking in the background...

A few Luke updates:

  • he is smiling like crazy and really discovering his voice

  • he throws a total fit being put in his carseat (most of the time) red-faced and straightens those soon as he is snapped in he seems to calm down :)

  • he still loves having dance parties, and not just to calm him down, he is much happier now...which we love!!

  •  at least 9 hours of sleep a night is becoming very common

  • Luke no longer stays swaddled all night...he totally breaks free...we start him out swaddled, but it doesn't last...we won't here a peep all night and when we go check on him in the morning he is out of the swaddle...he's so strong...haha

  • he is really starting to notice and watch baylee


The whole going back to work thing is getting better...I knew once we got into more of a routine it would be easier.  It's crazy how much time I must of wasted in the morning getting ready before Luke came along...I can get ready so fast now (well I think its fast :)  Adam and I actually chat in the morning...which absolutely never happened before Luke!  We get ready, try and eat something and have coffee and then get the Luke man up...I have to say that the worst part is that we have to wake Luke up most mornings...poor guy :(  Although we do get smiles a lot of the doesn't get much better than that :)  Nothing like peeking in the crib and having those sweet little eyes look over and have him look at ya with a big grin! Good morning mom!

Monday, September 20, 2010

back to work I go...

So last week was my first week back to work.  It was definitely not easy to leave my little guy, I love being with him all day!  I think the anticipation made everything least I have a few days under my belt now!  The first day back was actually the easiest I think...I love everyone that I work with so that makes it extremely better than if I dreaded going in everyday!  I know that I don't have much of a choice for the time being so I/we are trying to make the best of it.  I'm sure I am struggling a lot more than Luke :)  I hate only being with that sweet angel for just a few hours!  I am very grateful that I have such a nice schedule though and I am off on Mondays! 

Well Luke is just doing wonderful...I feel like everday there is something new!  He has been so happy lately!  Totally full of smiles!  We love it!!  It is the best feeling to have him look at you and give you such a big smile!  He is definitely turning into a drool machine...and blowing bubbles like nobody's business :)  It is so cute!  Have I ever said that I LOVE being a mom!!!!  Luke is also starting to copy us too.  We go back and forth with coos and little happy screams and all that fun stuff!  I know I have said how much Luke loves bathtime...and its just getting better...he is starting to wiggle around and make little splashes :) (oh the little things in life...)

Here are a few pics of the Lukester...

Luke hanging out while I went through his closet...amazing how we are already retiring some clothes...our little chunker!  I had put the keys in his lap and when I turned around he had picked them up all by proud! I think he is!

still hanging on...

of course bay made the photo shoot...she was chillin' with us too :)
wild man with his keys and piggy!
two peas and a pod...
love him :)

The new thing is for Luke to sit in the bumbo while we eat!  He was so happy that night...nothing like the best free entertainment ever!

his hair was actually staying down...doesn't seem right
without him lookin' like a wild man ;)

It was so great this weekend to spend some time with my little fam...I don't think I have ever looked so forward to the weekend!!!  On Saturday we went to Ball State to watch our friend Brandt's highschool team play...Adam totally loved watching football with his little boy :) It was so cute!

this is from my was pretty warm and sunny!
his hat is still too big, but it served its purpose

another pic from my phone...our little happy chunker :)


Sunday, September 12, 2010

lets go colts!

Today started off great...Luke slept from 9:40pm last night till 7 this morning!  If only I would go to bed right when I put Luke down...I am really going to have to get better at that!  I would be super rested if I slept those hours too! 

We of course had to take pics in our colts gear!  Today was Luke's first colts game experience! (It would of been better if they won, but on the bright side, I got some cute pics of the Luke man :) 

okay mom...that's enough...
my little stud...i'm so lucky!

gotta love em'
Luke was totally watching the! Even when we had him laying on his floor gym he totally bypassed his toys and focused on the tube!  (definitely made his daddy very happy :)
totally focused....
come on "D" get it together...
just chillin' in my bumbo watching the game...
lookin' good in brandt's colts hat
what up?

brandt came over to watch the game...

chick magnet sweats...courtesty of auntie linds
my guys :)
so we used the timer on our camera for the first time today so that we could get a family pic!  adam's head got cut off...pretty good first try though :)
got it...
and again...our fam :)
and Luke says were
have I mentioned how much Luke loves bathtime...happy baby!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I don't really have anything exciting to report today :)  I haven't been feeling too hot so we have kinda just been veggin' out (at least whenever Luke wants too ;)  It is definitely different being sick and having a baby!  Even though I don't really feel good, I don't really get to be "sick".  There is no more just sleeping all day and laying in bed thats for sure!  I still have a little man that requires all of my attention no matter how I am feeling!  He wants to eat, play, bounce and have dance parties regardless of me feeling yucky! Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to complain...I wouldn't trade it for the world...its just so crazy how someone so little can turn your world upsidedown.  Gotta LOVE it!

I did take a few pics today though...

I also had some fun taking pics of Luke and Baylee...which I have to say that I am so excited how well Bay has adjusted to having Luke around!  I was so worried that she was going to be so jealous and act out because she wasn't going to be getting all of our attention.  She has been great!  She follows us matter how many times I am in and out of Luke's room and up and down the stairs...she is there with us! So cute!  I wouldn't say she is abused now that Lukey is here...she still gets a lot of love!

Baylee just let Luke lean right on her and didn't even move :)

Luke has totally found his hands...or should I say his fist

Bay getting some one on one with her dad :)

Our little stud muffin :)
all ready to head over to adam's cousin's to see the fam!

p.s. on a side note:  on our way there we passed two pigs playing with a cow!! they were literally chasing each other  I just coundn't get over it!  It was so cute!
(I know Adam is going to make fun of me for writing this, but I didn't know that pigs and cows played together...haha)

Luke and Katelyn

It is so crazy that Nicole and I had babies less than 24 hours apart!!  It is so fun!  We were excited that our due dates were 10 days apart and always joked about how we could have them the same day...little did we know that I would be induced because I was overdue and she would go into labor early!   

Luke and Katelyn...2 days old
(when they first met :)

It has definitely been fun having little play dates for Luke and Katelyn! 
(it may be more for Nicole and I right now, but soon enough they will start to acknowledge one another ;)

arm and katelyn's crib
(with parental supervision of
so sweet...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

my little sleeper :)...

We had a great night last night!!!  Lukey slept from 8:26pm (to be until 6:45 this morning!  He was so tired having his last bottle that I had to keep waking him up to finish, which never happens because he LOVES to eat!!!  He went right down without a peep :)  I was so pumped!! Unfortunetly he did wake up at is awful to hear that little cutie cry...the whole time I am listening to him I can picture the faces that go with each cry :(  His new thing is to stick out his bottom lip!  He ended up crying for 40 minutes with one visit from his mommy before he fell back to sleep.  I seriously just laid in bed trying to stay tough...I hated it and I was on my own...Adam isn't phased by anything!! He just kept on sawing  I wish I was that sound of a sleeper!  Even when Luke does sleep for long spouts I end up waking up wondering if he is okay because I haven't heard anything for awhile!

I really do think that Luke getting a good night sleep has made for a much happier baby!  He just seems more calm the last 2 days.  He is mr. smile man through the day! I LOVE IT!  He is also starting to discover his voice a little more...besides the goo's, gee's, ooohs and ahhhs he is starting to do happy squeals!  It is so much fun!  We were only used to unhappy squealing so this is great!

Tonight didn't go quite as well as last night...Luke just hates to admit he is  I think he just got a little overly tired...he cried for about 20 minutes before he fell asleep.  (which is better than the first night, but seems like forever at the time) It will be interesting to see if he wakes up in the middle of the night!  It is definitely not easy to put Luke (or me...haha) through this, but it will be so worth it!  From what I hear it takes 3 days to a week for them to realize they need to just put themself to sleep, so we'll see...3 days down!

On another note, Luke is 10 weeks old today!!!  Man does time fly?  Which also means that it is about time for me to go back to work :(  I love my job, but I LOVE being home with Luke!  I absolutely love being a is just awesome!  I am so thankful that I finally get to experience motherhood :)  It was well worth the wait!

being a big boy in my football chair
where's Luke?
smiles :) seriously how cute is he?
Lean on me...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

my first blog...

I have been wanting to start a blog since Luke was born, but just hadn't gotten around to it!  So we will start today!  ;) Here are some of my fav pics of the Lukester...crazy how much he has changed already!

July 1st...minutes old :)
July the hospital
July 3rd...doesn't get much better than this

in his tiger gear...1 week old

first bath after cord fell off...(with gammy :)
camo man :)

4 weeks old today

1 month old

1st time in his own tub :)

holding my piggy all by myself (on my dad's b-day)

soon to be BFF :)...both my babes

my first colts tee

tummy time...

in my crib...lets go HOOSIERS!
2 months old today...having fun in my bumbo
ready for my lunch date with nicole, jessie, and my girlfriend Katelyn ;)

Hi mom!

Lets go IRISH!


Luke had his 2 month check-up yesterday! I can't believe he is already 2 months old...time flies! He did very well...he weighed 13 lbs 14 oz and was 24 inches long. He is in the 90th percentile for weight and between the 75th-90th for height. He also had his shots! They weren't as bad as expected...he was broken hearted for just a few short minutes...he is such a tough guy ;)

We also talked about sleep habits. Our little Luke man does not like to fall asleep...he fights it like none other! So the doctor gave us the green light to let him cry himself to sleep. He seems so little to start that already, but if he says it is time then we will try it out! I want to have a good little sleeper! Adam had a game so Lindsey came over for moral support :) (thank goodness b/c I needed it) We gave him a bath (which he absolutely loves), fed him, and read two books. Then it was time to lay him down for the night~! We had a short snuggle time and then I put him down. He just fussed for the first few minutes, but that was the calm before the storm. After about 10 minutes I went in and gave him his paci and rubbed his head. Within minutes he was screaming again...we gave it a little longer until I went in again. It just took about 25 minutes and a few visits from his mommy and he ended up sleeping from 9pm until 5:20 this morning. It is very exciting, but we all know that every night never works out the same...tonight will be the start of another adventure :)

fun times in the tub...