Monday, January 24, 2011


We went to see the pediatric surgeon this morning about Luke's hyrdocele...the surgeon does not think that he needs surgery!  We are VERY excited!!!  The thought of Lukey having surgery just made me sick!  The doctor thinks that unless he has any problems that we can make a better decision closer to when he is a year old.  He saw no need to do surgery while Luke was this young!!!  Luke was awesome at his appt!!!  He didn't say peep (well happy peeps, but no crying)  He was thrilled to play with the nurse's badges and his own shoe while the dr checked him out! 

In other news...Luke is now ON THE MOVE!!!  Last week he started army crawling a little and it took him a little time to get to where he wanted...well this weekend he has definitely picked up the pace and is extremely close to a full out CRAWL!  He is all over the place!!!  Super cute, but my baby is just growing up sooo fast ;)  Of course I want him to develop in his skills, but I wasn't expecting it to happen so fast!  But I guess that's how it goes when your child is! haha!

A few other Luke facts:
-he is now eating 3 solid meals a day (still with a few bottles in-between)
-does not sit still...if we are holding him he just wants to stand up and jump around...he is a wild man!
-still LOVES bathtime!
-starting to be a little more sensitive...gets upset when things hurt his feelings :(
-definitely saying..."da da da"
-DOES NOT LIKE TO GET DRESSED! (I am becoming a pro at getting Luke dressed while he keeps flippin' over!  The diaper changes aren't too easy!

of course some new pics...


sitting up like a big boy...playin with my toys :)

my 2 teeth

mohawk time...

playing on my new puzzle mat...

"romeo in training"

Luke crawling into the closet...
we are seeing a lot of the back side these days ;) 

just checkin' to see if you are still watching!

Monday, January 10, 2011

video of Luke...

Luke moving around and "talking"...

bath time photo shoot...

quick little photo shoot after my bath :)

 6 months is by far my favorite stage so far!! I am sure it just gets more fun!  Luke is just such a happy boy! 

He is now eating two meals a day along with his bottles...breakfast and dinner!  He is not a huge fan of veggies, but we are working on it!  So far green beans seem to be the one we have the most problems with...I think they hurt his we are going to lay off those for awhile!
Luke is also really starting to fall into a nap routine...which is very nice!  We still have our days of cat naps, but they have been few and far between lately!  He is quite the chatter man too!  We are hearing some "da da da's" but I am pretty sure he doesn't know what he is sayin ;)  I am working on "ma ma ma" but it isn't stickin'!  I am so completely in love with our little man~!  It is crazy how much he is changing everyday!  Another great change is that he is getting to like the car a little more...instead of screaming I get to listen to a whole bunch of chatting...which I LOVE!!! 
 He loves telling us about his day! ;)

Luke had quite the eventful weekend...dinner with his girlfriend katelyn, a couples shower for brandt and sarah, and his first breakfast at the pancake house!  He is such a trooper and loves to be on the go with us! The pic below is at the shower...hangin with the guys! 

watchin' football with the guys ;)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

6 month dr. visit...

Luke had his 6 month check-up/shots on monday...

His stats...weight:  18lbs (50th percentile) 
               height:  27 1/2 in (90th percentile)


Lukey got 4 shots...2 in each leg :( He was definitely a trooper though!  He only cried for a few seconds ;)

Unfortunetly we were also told that the Luke man will probably have to have surgery!!!  They are almost positive he has a "communicating hydrocele" which in turn lead to an Inguinal hernia. 

(A passage between the abdomen and the groin called the tunica vaginalis normally closes during the last trimester of pregnancy. Normally this natural opening obliterates, but when this passage does not close, a hernia or hydrocele can results. A hernia or communicating hydrocele always means that the passage is open and that surgery is needed to close the passage.)

We knew at birth that this could be a possibility, but were hoping for the best.  From what I hear (and read...of course I have done my online research ;) it is a very routine surgery!  No matter how easy the surgery I asolutely hate the thought of my little man being put under. :(  We meet with the pediatric surgeon on Jan. 24...we will find out many more details at that time...I will be updating when I know more of course!

On a lighter note...we let Luke sit up in the tub tonight (in the "big boy" tub...he thought it was great...he loved his bath toys and splashing his hands around :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

busy, busy, busy...

Luke is beyond busy...he just does not sit still :).  Luke can now roll over and sit up all by himself!!!  It is so great to watch him discover so many new things and watch the look of accomplishment on his face!  It took a little bit for him to get from his belly to back...but its no longer a problem...that guy can roll!!!  He is still eating cereal/food once a day, but I think it is about time to up it to twice a day!  We go to the doctor for his 6 month check today so we will see what they think :)  Another big thing is Luke is now getting 2 teeth!!! (the front bottom 2...letters O and P to be exact..haha).  He has been such a trooper with it so far...poor little man!

We had a wonderful christmas having Luke around!!!  He just added something extra special!!!  He loved all of his new toys/clothes!  I think he would of been just as happy with an empty water bottle and bow...but oh well! ;) We are so thankful to have him!!! 2010 definitely blessed us and we can only hope for such a wonderful 2011~

of course here are some pics from the last month and a video of Lukey laughing...

i'm 5 months old today :)

i love the remote...(already ;)

my first christmas...

i love to sit up by myself...

 6 months old...i don't make it easy to be changed anymore :)

this is a video of Luke crackin up at baylee playing with her bone!