Monday, November 7, 2011

october festivities :)

oh the fun things we've done :)  October has brought a trip to the pumpkin patch, zoo boo, and trick or treating :) 

While adam headed to the Notre Dame game,  Auntie Linds and I headed to the pumpkin patch :)  We started the adventure with checking out the animals...which Luke loves :)  He especially loved staring at the chickens and rooster!  

next, we set out on the hayride to the pumpkin patch :)  Luke seemed to enjoy the ride and digging through the diaper bag....

 oh what pumpkin to pick...
 I think this is it mom...

 there were a group of older kids across from us on the way back...he was so into them...hahaha. 
(at least he didn't make it obvious!)
 quick litte tractor ride on our way out...

 We also ventured out to ZOO BOO with the Kenney's :)  It is a lot of fun watching Luke and Katelyn together...they were too cute! 
gotta love them :)

 love this :)
 Hi mom!
 the tigers were out walking around :)
 Luke's fav part of the zoo...the bridge that leads to the rhinos!! 
 there were several stops set up for the kiddos to "trick or treat" along the way...

 dads and babes checkin out the monkeys :)

 our little cow
 ZOO BOO 2011 :)
I caved...Luke had his first twizzler :)  Totally loved it!

And to end the October festivities we headed out to do some trick or treating :)  We had a ball!  It was crazy how fast Luke picked up on what to do!
ready to go!

Here is a video of the first house Luke went to :) 
"like a pro"  :)

 love this :)
so excited!
helping dad pass out candy when we got back :)

It really doesn't get any better than being a mom, especially to the most precious little man ever!
(I know I am a little biased ;)  

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

15 month appt...

Luke had his 15 month appt yesterday :)
his stats: 24 lbs 12oz
              31 1/2 in tall
The doctor said he looked good...he was just above average in height and weight.  He had 3 shots and did great!  We of course got a scream when he was getting them, but he got over it real fast :)  By the time we got home all of the band-aids were gone.  He handed them to me on the ride home...haha.  I know I have said it before, but I think it is so funny that people talk about their kids sleeping so much after shots...hahahaha...not the Luke man...I think it has some reverse effect on him...that boy is ready to go!  He sleeps less every time he gets a shot.

On another note...
Luke is just a total ball of fire...full of personality!!!  I'm trying to think of whats new in the life of Lukey :)  To start he absolutely loves to play on the stairs...yep...the stairs. :)  His goal right now is to reach the railing as he goes down...he's not quite there but boy does he stretch!
I think we hung out on the stairs for about 30 minutes the other night ;)  I was at the landing and adam at the bottom...who would of thought it could be so much! 

We have also continued to go to the football games to watch "da da" coach!  I will say that when the season started I wasn't quite sure how it was going to work since Luke never wanted to sit still...but each time we go it gets better.  We may not make it through the whole game but it is so cute to watch Luke pick up on things...for example; he loves to copy the fans (even if it is delayed ;)  like clapping his hands, yelling and throwing his fist in the air to cheer!  I so wish Adam could watch Luke interact during the game...he would love it!  I am never short of words to give Adam the play by play of how Luke was when he gets home though ;)
 before the game...

:) a new pose

Luke also loves bubble is so cute...when I say its time for a bath he heads to the stairs to head to the bathroom...then once we are in the bathroom he says "bub-ble, bub-ble" and last night he opened the cabinet and handed me the Mr. bubble cute!  I love how he is really picking up on things!
love this litte guy soo much!  He may love to push my buttons, but he loves to give his mommy some lovin's...and it doesn't get any better that that!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

we're still here :)

Wow how time flies!  Just thought I would check in with a quick little update on the little man :)  I wish I had a lot of new pics to post, but pictures are few and far between...Luke is non-stop and way to busy for photoshoots!  I swear each stage gets more fun!  It is so fun to watch him explore new things each day!  He loves to run and throw the ball and I think right now his favorite thing is to play with everything that is not a  I was trying to figure out what his favorite toy is, but he has bigger fish to fry than to play with "his" stuff.  Luke enjoys pushing buttons on the dryer, trying to open the dishwasher and he still loves to play with the remotes. (but they have to be the "real" remotes; ones without batteries don't do the trick...haha) 

Luke is great at waving, giving high five, and now the fist bump :)  We are also working on pointing at our nose, ears, eyes, mouth, and of course the favorite, our belly button!  (of course the shirt has to come up to show his belly button...which is even better!)  It is so awesome to see Luke learning things and how proud he is about it!  He is definitely not digging the stroller...he would rather walk/run!  We have been keeping busy with going to the park and watching the Fishers Tigers football games!  It is so cute to see Luke point to the field and say "dada".  He says it a million times a game and it never gets old ;) 

Really no big news in the Stevenson household...just a lot of mom and Luke time while dad is at football...we definitely miss adam being around, but know football will be over before we know it!  (and who could complain about all the extra hugs and kisses...and now pats on the back :)

Here are the only pics I have really taken lately...

we went to stoney creek farm for the "family fun on the farm" Luke definitely had a good time!
 ridin' the pumpkin train
 jumping on the giant pillow (at the farm ;)
 off to find the animals :)

 playdate at the park with jamo :) super excited that the hultgrens will be moving back!

we went to the zoo with my was "roche night" it was great weather and only roche employees (glad we got to roll with the big dogs...thanks mom ;) 
 kept letting go to wave, but loved it :)
 checking out the rhinos...

Playdate with katelyn...

 yes, he is trying to sit there too ;)
 so sweet

lets go colts!!! (before the very disappointing game)
 decided it would be super fun to play in the basket...
why not? :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

and it starts...

Today is the season is back in full swing in the Stevenson household!  (I'm not sure that it really ever ended...haha)  Adam started two-a-days this morning!  I cannot believe the summer is coming to an end already...and I know Adam can't believe it either!  It has been so wonderful to have Adam around so much this summer!  I will say it is the best feeling ever to know Lukey was home with his dada!!  I know Luke enjoyed being with Adam as much as Adam enjoyed being with Luke!  :)  Adam said it best this morning though..."we are just one day closer to next summer ;)"

We definitely had a fun summer and Luke's just getting more and more fun!  Everyday is an adventure that's for sure!!!  Maybe I should just throw out there how much I LOVE my little man! ;)

He is definitely trying to say words a lot more!  His newest word is HOT or as Luke says "ha"  He loves to watch the grill but we always have to tell him it is hot...well now everything is "ha" love it!  He also said "nana" for banana the other morning...of course we were so proud :)  A few others are  bat, bay bay (baylee), ball, boon (balloon), dada, and mommy.  These are the ones we here the most!

He is also understanding how to pick up toys...we do try and have him pick stuff up when he is finished playing...for now he like's to put things back, but I am sure this will change!

We took a weekend trip to cinci with Adam's family two weekends ago...we hit up coney island and the children's museum!  We had a great time and Luke loved being with his cousins ;)  I didn't have my camera at coney island, but Luke loved the pool and was even able to go on a few rides!  I can't believe my "baby" could go on rides!

Here are a few from the children's museum...

 i loved this little smock Luke wore...too cute!

 big boy on the stool :)

 whats up ladies?!?

 hanging with Eli :) love this pic!
our little toe heads!
 playing in the little town

 playin with dada

 sunday drive ;)

 We had a playdate today with Mason and Owen...seriously Luke seems like a giant compared to them!  Fun times!

 so cute!
the only way I could get Luke to sit still is to give him my phone...but then I couldn't get him to look up! 
 "the three amigos"