Monday, March 18, 2013

kinley is 6 months!!!!

I seriously can not believe it...6 months already!

Kinely is such a happy little pistol!  She really is a great baby!  She may get up a little early for my liking but I forget all about it once I peak over that crib and see that little stinker smiling up at me!  GOD is good!
She continues to work on rolling over and eating baby food!  She loves to try and sit up by herself too!  She is definitely wobbly but doing pretty good!

Our poor little girl has been sick for weeks!  I took her about 3 weeks ago and they said it was a virus...well it never went away...she has been congested with a nasty cough for over a month now!  I finally took her back to the dr today and sure enough she has her first ear/sinus infection :( First antibiotic...cheers to 6 months :)

Our little Lukey has been sick all weekend too!  I also had him at the dr and he was put on an antibiotic too!  He has a fever, fluid in his ear, and an awful sore throat, could possibly be strep but we passed on the swab test because he was gonna get an antibiotic for his ear anyway!  So its been a pretty awesome weekend around here lol!  But I sure did get a lot of extra snuggles...from Luke that is ;) our little kinley bean just isn't much of a snuggler...lil' miss independent!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

march already!

hello!  Just a quick little update!  Kinley is now eating some baby food :)  I had tried a few times since she was 4 months old, but she was never really into it.  She is diggin' it now though!  We have tried apples, peas, carrots, and pears.  I have been mixing it with rice cereal and she usually eats with us at dinner.  She is also rolling from her back to her belly!  She gets a little flustered once on her belly because she forgets she can get back over lol!  She is into grabbing everything and full of smiles!  Can't believe she will be 6 MONTHS OLD on monday!
Other VERY exciting news...Luke is doing great with potty training...and think I can honestly say we are DONE buying diapers for him! YAY!!!  We are so proud of him!  He is doing wonderful and just wearing pull-ups to sleep :)
Love these cute babes!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

and then there were two...

Hello!  Man, have things changed since I blogged last!  We added a little peanut to the mix on September 18, 2012!
Kinley Ann Stevenson

I will admit that I was a little nervous to add another child into the excited but a little nervous.  I swear as soon as they put Kinley in my arms it was like she had always been part of the fam!  She just fit right in!
Luke was a little unsure at the hospital which was hard, but I kinda expected it with so much going on there.  Once we got home it was just a matter of minutes before he wanted to be with her, read to her, hold her, etc...

Talk about emotional!!!! Seeing my "two" kids interact was so awesome...words can't even describe...i'm even feeling a little choked up now just thinking back ;)
Well time has flown since then...Kinley is now 5 months old!  What??? I can't believe it myself! 
here is a little recap...

Like I said before...its like she was always a part of us...just can't imagine our life without her!  Being a mom is honestly the best gift god could of given me!
Kinley is such a happy baby!  As long as you don't take too long to give her a bottle she is a happy camper ;)  She does suffer from acid reflux...which was new to she was put on baby prilosec for the first few months to help with the pain.  She is now off the meds and doing great, but still a spit-up queen :)  She is really starting to get such a personality!  She loves the bath, loves to smile, and LOVES her BIG BROTHER Lukey!
Luke has been amazing with Kinley!  He really is an awesome big bro!  He is always giving kisses, talking to her, and giving her toys!  I am so glad that he loves to help me out so much!  He is always willing to grab a diaper or put the finished bottle in the sink...he just seems so proud when he helps out...its adorable!
Our house is definitely busy and I wouldn't want it any other way!  We have recently started potty training Luke.  It will be great if I can just have one child in diapers :)  We tried it a few months ago and he really wasn't into it so we didn't push.  This time around he has done great!  He gets skittles when he goes on the "big boy potty" and of course that helps :)  He seems to do great at our house...still working at the babysitters but it will come!
In other news...Luke had his first dentist appt!  He seriously did great!  Got them all shined up :)  I was so proud of him!
As for now...both kiddos have pretty nasty colds...I am so ready for the spring!
Bye for now!