Tuesday, September 13, 2011

we're still here :)

Wow how time flies!  Just thought I would check in with a quick little update on the little man :)  I wish I had a lot of new pics to post, but pictures are few and far between...Luke is non-stop and way to busy for photoshoots!  I swear each stage gets more fun!  It is so fun to watch him explore new things each day!  He loves to run and throw the ball and I think right now his favorite thing is to play with everything that is not a toy...lol.  I was trying to figure out what his favorite toy is, but he has bigger fish to fry than to play with "his" stuff.  Luke enjoys pushing buttons on the dryer, trying to open the dishwasher and he still loves to play with the remotes. (but they have to be the "real" remotes; ones without batteries don't do the trick...haha) 

Luke is great at waving, giving high five, and now the fist bump :)  We are also working on pointing at our nose, ears, eyes, mouth, and of course the favorite, our belly button!  (of course the shirt has to come up to show his belly button...which is even better!)  It is so awesome to see Luke learning things and how proud he is about it!  He is definitely not digging the stroller...he would rather walk/run!  We have been keeping busy with going to the park and watching the Fishers Tigers football games!  It is so cute to see Luke point to the field and say "dada".  He says it a million times a game and it never gets old ;) 

Really no big news in the Stevenson household...just a lot of mom and Luke time while dad is at football...we definitely miss adam being around, but know football will be over before we know it!  (and who could complain about all the extra hugs and kisses...and now pats on the back :)

Here are the only pics I have really taken lately...

we went to stoney creek farm for the "family fun on the farm" Luke definitely had a good time!
 ridin' the pumpkin train
 jumping on the giant pillow (at the farm ;)
 off to find the animals :)

 playdate at the park with jamo :) super excited that the hultgrens will be moving back!

we went to the zoo with my fam...it was "roche night" it was great weather and only roche employees (glad we got to roll with the big dogs...thanks mom ;) 
 kept letting go to wave, but loved it :)
 checking out the rhinos...

Playdate with katelyn...

 yes, he is trying to sit there too ;)
 so sweet

lets go colts!!! (before the very disappointing game)
 decided it would be super fun to play in the basket...
why not? :)