Sunday, May 1, 2011

10 months!!!

Luke is 10 months old!!! Like I say every month...I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!  Time sure does fly by!  He is becoming quite the little walker!  Each day he seems to take more and more steps!  I love watching him just take off...he is so wobbly and so stinkin' cute!  He pretty much always walks with his hands in the air and his mouth  I tried to get some pics but he wasn't really into it today! This is what I got...

As you can see I tried before and after his bath with no luck...oh well!  He is just too busy for a photo shoot ;)  He is a man on a mission!  Luke does not stop from the moment he wakes up until the moment he goes to bed (with 2 naps inbetween of course ;)  When he wakes up in the morning he is READY TO GO!  He pretty much "talks" the whole day too!  We still get the da's, ma's, ba's, laughs, and happy screams...we are working on putting dada with adam and mamamama with me.  He is officially into any cabinet or drawer he can possibly get into...he has now shut his fingers in the cabinet twice :( 

It is definitely fun to watch him play with his toys...and actually "play" with his toys!  Before it was more us playing and him watching or trying to grab, but he will actually sit for short periods of time and play...too cute!  He loves to try and get as many toys as he can out!  He is definitely our entertainment!

Oh and his other big thing is when he is crawling to get away he takes off with his head down to the ground and crawls super fast!  It is pretty funny...he always does it when he is trying to "sneak" away or get into something he knows he probably shouldn't :)

I did manage to get two quick videos of him taking some steps!

2 other randoms :)

Luke is such a huge blessing in our lives!  I/we are SO extremely thankful! 

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Elliott actually saw the walking videos first and told me I had to see them! :) Can't believe he's 10 months old. It definitely doesn't feel that long ago that I was waiting for that text to hear he was born!! Love that remote picture, haha :)
