Monday, March 7, 2011

and he's 8 months old...

Oh where to begin...

We have had a very busy last few weeks!  It is getting very hard to get anything done while Luke is up and on the go!  He is loving being able to crawl all over the place and pull himself up on anything he can.  His latest and greatest is to pull up on things and let go...he likes to try and stand with no support at all!  A lot of the time he will just hold on with one hand and wave around with the other...too cute!  (not quite there yet, but boy is he working on it, if he were trying out for the rodeo he'd be in!)  He is just a ball of energy from the second he wakes up in the morning!  The last few days I feel like all I am saying is "" "no Luke" "no, no, no" haha...he is liking to push the limit....ALREADY!  Last week we would say no Luke and he would look back and crawl the other way...this week he either ignores us or looks at us and goes right back to what we don't want him to be doing ;)  He is such a stinker! 

Luke did have a "real" haircut by his stylist auntie Linds...he did a pretty darn good job...probably because he loved sitting in the sink!

post haircut bath ;) love him!

I had a few extra days off work two weeks ago...which was definitely nice~I LOVED the extra time to be with my little guy!  It worked out great because we got to have a great visit with my aunts, grandma and mom...its a shame that they don't enjoy seeing Luke ;) (lol)  Luke really enjoyed their company...and no one can sings patty cake any better than them!!

great gammy stealing a kiss :)

of course Luke had to test out the giant candy bar :)

we also had a play date with some is so great to have friends with little kiddos!  I/we had such a fun time!  We definitely need to make it a more regular meeting!
Luke thought he was hot stuff because he was standing on the outside of the exesaucer...yes he did pull himself up there!
i'm checking you out ;)
big boy...

group photo...

and...Luke is 8 months old....a day we WON'T forget!

The day started out like any other tuesday...I go into work a little later on tuesdays so I get some extra time with my little man until I drop him off with his grandma kim.  I usually text kim once or twice to check in and see how he is doing and how his naps second text was replied with "call me if you can" I felt a little uneasy when I read this and of course went to call kim as soon as I saw it.  When I called she said that Luke just didn't seem right and had been choke/gagging.  She proceeded to say that she talked to adam, talked to the nurse at the at the ped. and was on her way to meet adam to take him to the dr.  (Unfortunetly I guess Luke's pediatrician's office was closed for the afternoon and kim was told to take him to the immidiate care if she felt necessary)  Kim had thought that there was a chance that Luke could of swallowed something he shouldn't have because of this choke/gagging that he had been doing after one sip of his bottle (at one point lasted for almost half hour).  I met her, Luke and Adam at the clinic (the school has a clinic for teachers and their fam)  Poor Luke def wasnt himself...his shirt was soaked because he wouldn't swallow and when he did swallow he would gag and start crying!  My heart was broken for him!  The doctor there spoke poor english and told us he wanted to put him on an antibiotic, but after re-explaining how he wouldnt swallow and Kim was concerned with a possible foreign object being swallowed we were referred to the ER to get a throat/chest x-ray.
I realize that when you go to the ER you are usually never there under 3 hours it seems like, but I thought that with a baby that they would move a little quicker...WRONG! It was a nightmare!  Kim explained the story about 10 times to a variety of nurses and 2 ER doctors.  I was not impressed at all!  I don't think Luke has cried that much since he was 4 weeks old!  It didn't help that he was probably starving and tired and we just had to wait and wait and wait!  After 2 hours and 15 min of being there they finally did an x-ray...which on a side note Luke did absolutely awesome!  They even have mini gowns for babies...too cute!  Not that I ever wanted to figure that out!

Anyway, the x-ray came out clear and we were eventually sent home...with the possibility that he just had a virus.  They said his throat didn't look bad and they didn't see any objects on the x-ray.  It was so frustrating to be there that long and leave with no real reason why he was doing this!  They said to just give ibprofen and tylenol.  Seriously! 
So I of course stayed home the next day to keep a watch out...he was still having the gagging/crying episodes but they were more spaced out...finally on that thurs I called the pediatrician to follow up and they wanted to see him...he was finally diagnosed with an ear/sinus/upper resp infection and put on amoxicillin.  My poor baby was so sick :(  I felt so frustrated that we had been through all of this crap the days prior and no one gave us an answer until then.  The doctor did explain that you can have a sore throat that is not red, but can really hurt, ear infections can pop up in a day, and he had sooo much mucus in his chest/throat that is prob while he was choke/gagging. As frustrating as everything was I am just glad someone could finally explain some things to us!  Why it was so hard for the ER to explain something to us I will never know!  But for now we will just be THRILLED that Luke is feeling better and back to his happy self...and we will never forget his 8 month EXTRAVAGANZA! 

Moving right along,  on a happier are some pics of the Lukester helping me with the laundry ;) haha!

loves to pull out the clothes from the basket

cheese ball ;)

his little pile :)

so big pulling himself up...he seriously lights up when he sees the laundry basket because he can't wait to crawl over and climb up!

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy your updates and photos! So glad he is feeling better!
