Thursday, June 2, 2011

my baby is 11 months old!!!!!!

Another month has flown is so crazy that I have a 11 month old!  All I think about when I think of 11 months is that he is going to be ONE in a month!  I keep thinking back to last year this time and how I was counting down the weeks until we would get to meet our bundle of joy!  I can't explain how grateful I am to have him in my life...he is truely a gift from God!

these pics are from yesterday...this is what I managed to get for his 11 month photos...we see a lot of his back side these days...and I caught him on the move so I could get his face :)

Luke is definitely our wild man...I feel like I might have mentioned this  He is just so full of energy and is constantly on the go!  He is such a good little guy though and he never fails to melt my heart at least once a day :)  His big thing right now is to give me hugs...which is
THE BEST THING EVER!  He will randomly just walk over and put his arm on me and his head on my could you not melt over that!?!  So precious! 

We have always had dance parties since Luke was a few weeks old...and he is definitely picking up on it!  He loves to dance around...his dancing consists of him bobbin up and down with one hand in the air!  But he is now bringing his dance moves into the car~when I was driving home last night I turned the radio on and his song came on "dynamite"...I looked in the mirror and I see one hand in the air and him bouncing up and down in his was ADORABLE!  Then this morning adam saw him doing the same thing only this time he was drinking his bottle, bouncing and had a hand up! 
We think its pretty cute!
(I know everyone thinks their kid is doing something so I am so one of those parents now...haha)

Some other Luke fun facts... :)
-the sitter told me that Luke figured out how to pull the oven door open (it wasn't on) She said he has been the first kid to ever do that at her house...leave it to Luke!
-he loves to pull everything out of any tub, cabinet, laundry basket or book shelf
-he figured out his touch and feel farm book and knows exactly where to feel the soft fabric and different textures
-he loves balls and is learning to throw...usually he throws it behind him, but he is still catching on ;)
-tonight when I was putting clothes away I would ask him to "hand it to mom" and he would actually give it to me :) and then I would hand it back and say "hand it to bay" and he would turn around and drop it on baylee...he is really starting to pick up on things...such a smart cookie...haha
-he loves to pull his own shirt over his head and pull
it back down for peek-a-boo...he thinks he is so funny! (and he really is ;)

Here are a few pics from memorial day...

this didn't last long...wasn't feelin the pool that day

he would rather hold baylee's leash :)

we headed to brandt and sarah's for a cookout that times!
this is Luke's soon-to-be partner in crime, Mason :)  gotta love these boys!


  1. Love the pics! Partner in crime is so true. I can only imagine the trouble they will find when Mason can walk!

  2. Love the pics!! I can't believe how big they both are getting!!
