Monday, April 18, 2011

one step, two step, three step :)

Just a quick little Luke man update...

Our little guy is starting to take some steps!!!  Last week he actually started and each day he takes a few!  It is so fun to see how proud he is when he walks a little!  I think 6-7 has been the max, but it is pretty darn exciting!!  We always cheer and clap after so when he stops/falls he always smiles and claps too...super cute!  Who knows when everything will click, but it is sure fun watching him try!  I am one pround mommy that's for sure!

I enjoyed another monday off with my boy today!  I am so lucky to at least have one extra day off a week to spend with Lukey!  I absolutely love just being with him!  Have I ever mentioned how in love I am? haha! 

 the laundry basket is always so much fun! lol

fun in the tub~I finally got a no-slip mat for the tub so now Luke can enjoy the whole tub!  He has had a bubble bath the past two nights...pretty fun! 

I think his favorite toy in the tub is still the washcloth ;)


  1. oh my gosh! i can't believe he's almost walking!!! That kid is SO advanced!!! He is just such a precious baby!!! Let's hang out soon!!!

  2. He is so happy, smiley, and CUTE!!! I love that little boy. And yes, like Kelly said -- advanced!
