Saturday, April 9, 2011

spring break and LUKE IS 9 MONTHS :)

Can't believe Luke is already 9 months old! (I know I say this everytime he is a month  He has got to be the most wonderful little gift we could of ever even imagined!  He is totally getting such a personality and is proving to be such a little ham!  Luke is such a happy boy who is full of smiles and giggles!  In case you haven't caught on...Luke has stollen our hearts!!!

We have had a fun last week!  My friend Adrianne and her little man Jamison were visiting from we had a fun little playdate!


Luke and I, Adrianne and Jamison, Jessie and Graden, Kelly and Tucker

the boys :) 
(Luke wouldn't sit still for long enough, but he's back 

fun times :)

We headed to Florida last Saturday...I was a little nervous to see how Luke was going to handle flying due to the fact that he doesn't really sit still and he would have to be on our laps for over 2 hours, but he did AWESOME!  I don't think we could of asked for him to travel any better!  It definitely has its perks to travel with a baby...he flies for free, you get to cut right to the front of line at security, and you get to board early!  On our way there we had a direct flight...which was super nice~Luke just played around, checked out everything he could on the plane from our laps, and then slept for the last 40 minutes!  On the way home our flight was at 6:40 am so that meant getting Luke up at 4:30 am and we had a layover! (we were super lucky to have adam's grandparents pick us up and take us to the airport!)  Yet again we couldn't have asked for a more a flexible litte guy!  He was such a trooper and became mr. popular of the plane :)  He was flirting with the girl behind us, playing peek-a-boo with the man in our row, and cheesin' at anyone else he could get into contact with!  As a mom it has to be the best feeling when you get off the plane and people say what a good baby Luke is, and others are pointing saying that is that cute baby!  I was a proud momma :)  Then while we were in chicago airport, at our layover, we would walk around and people from our plane would be like "Hi, Luke!" or point out to their friends..."there's Luke"  We actually had someone say they were jealous because they didn't get to sit in the open seat in our row by Luke...haha!  So my fears of everyone being annoyed by the baby on the plane quickly diminished!

checking out the planes with dad :)
We had such a fun trip.  We went to Madeira Beach with our friends Scott, Nicole and their little girl Katelyn.  It was a blast!  Luke loved the beach, ocean, and pool!  It was so wonderful to watch him experience all of the new surroundings!  He didn't totally mind the sand, but after the first day he quickly realized that he didn't like to get it on his hands!  It was definitely nice that Luke and Katelyn had eachother and very nice that we had Nicole and Scott!  The kiddos did so well napping at the beach everyday while we enjoyed relaxing! 

I will say it is always nice to get home and sleep in your own bed :) Luke had a rough night, which was to be expected! He worked us over a little on vacay, but it was back to reality last night ;) Luke has started to show when he is mad now...I think we got a sneak peak at what a tantrum may be like in the future!

I of course took a lot of are a few of my favs :)

1 comment:

  1. KARLY, Luke is SOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!! I love the pictures from our play date, too! Thanks for posting those.
    You got some great pictures at the beach! Those will look good framed at your house :)
    Hope we can get together soon, and go walking or just hang out!!!

    Also, I've got a giveaway going on at my art blog, so come check it out!

